Being Featured

My work has the honour to be featured in two magazines recently.

Pro Arte magazine, March 2024 is completed dedicated to selected alumni from Academie Arendonk, B, from 2006 - 2023.
A few months ago they approached me to send in images of my work and to answer several questions. Two of these answers are printed as well. I had completely forgotten about the request and got a wonderful surprise when I was sent the magazine. Both chosen works, "The new normal" and "Social Bubble 2", have special meanings for me.

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24_Pro Arte2(72)

The other article, from The Contemporary Quilter Magazine, March, features our QuiltArt exhibition Material Evidence in the Mac, Birmingham, UK. My work "Can we leave things as they are?" is one of the works discussed. I very happy to learn that it leaves questions with the reviewer. That's one of the things I hope my work does, that it isn't easy to read. Everyone looks at art with their own background and knowledge, so they will probably see something different in it, or are left with some questions.

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24_The Contemporary Quilter magazine2(72)

Kunstroute Open Stal Oldeberkoop

July 29th, 2023 the Open Stal art route opened at Oldeberkoop, NL. Meinie Wardenier and Harm Harms from Textiel Instituut Hawar had kindly invited me to exhibit in their gallery. Such a thrilling invitation! Their gallery is beautiful and they are expecting some 10.000 visitors during Open Stal which will be until August 27th.
I'm showing a selection of my work that fits this year's theme of Open Stal, 'Op reis (Travelling)', focussing on the 'travel' aspect of one's life. My exhibition is called Transgression.

Even though I had received the invitation about a month before, I did manage to make two small new works (Transgression 5 and 6, on the right).
The very first day the exhibition was well received and a small work and some books were sold.
I'm really happy with this solo. Some unknown works are on show.

Exhibition time

A few impressions of openings and exhibitions.

23_Edgelander in Riga(800)Edgelander (300 x 140 cm), 7th International Textile and Fiber Art Triennial Riga 'Quo Vadis', LV 2023
23_7th Scythia micro opening 1(800)Opening 7th Scythia, Ukraine June 2023
23_7th Scythia micro(800)Social Bubble 1 (3x4x4 cm) and Social Bubble 2 (3x3.5x3.5 cm), 7th Scythia Ukraine June 2023
23_QA-Ftt_Lux1(800)Echoes 1-2 (181 x 90 cm) new exhibition QuiltArt, Following the thread, Tuchfabrik, Esch-sur-Sure, L, catalogue available, please contact QuiltArt
23_QA-Ftt_Lux2(800)Left wing hobby (125 x 88 cm) and Down the drain (114 x 73 cm), new exhibition QuiltArt, Following the thread, Tuchfabrik, Esch-sur-Sure, L
23_QA-Ftt_opening Lux(800)Opening QA-Following the thread, Tuchfabrik Esch-sur-Sure, L, Gabi Mett in the pink trousers
23_QA-Lux_Karina-Mirjam-JetteOpening QA-Following the thread, Tuchfabrik Esch-sur-Sure, L, Karina Thompson, Mirjam Pet-Jacobs, Jette Clover, a.o.

Expo Routes - Nieuwe Ruimte Velp

Nieuwe Ruimte Kunstenaar van de maand Elsebeth Hoeven (keramiek) heeft 3 kunstenaars uitgenodigd om met haar te exposeren: Ineke van Dongen (papier collages), Teun de Weger (leisteen-glas beelden} en Mirjam Pet-Jacobs (textiel collages). Foto's geven een beeld van de expositie. De werken zijn nog te bekijken op de zondagmiddagen in september, van 12.00 - 17.00 uur. Ik zal op 25 september de hele middag aanwezig zijn.

22_NR_Routes_flyer(72)Opening op zondag 4 september 2022 vanaf 14.00 in de Oranjestraat 38A. Er is muziek tot 16.00 uur
Iedereen is van harte welkom.

Panta rhei - art in the woods

As promised I would show a bit of the changes of the Panta rhei panels. In all, I am very satisfied with the result. Hanging in sun, rain, wind and storm, the colours of the fabric changed from strong to soft, some dramatically during the process, these were the inks. The paints on the plastic were sturdier, with the textile paints washing off better than the gouache paints.
The panels had held themselves very well, even survived a storm during which some panels turned around their hanging poles. Easy to fix, nothing was damaged.

21_Panta rhei_Kunstsmullen_first dayPanta rhei the first day - October 3
21_Panta rhei_last dayPanta rhei the last day - October 31
Panta rhei_3 steps(72)October 7 - October 15 - October 23 (one week in between each step)